Exposing and exploring the commercial and cultural vitality of this generation of over-65s (and the one following hard behind).
James Murphy works in the field of trends analysis and socio-economic futures. For many years, he was Editorial Director of the Future Foundation and, prior to this, an Associate Director of the Henley Centre for Forecasting.
As a forecaster, he has delivered futures insights on-stage for both public and private sector clients.
Over the years, he has appeared variously on Newsnight, Start the Week, the Today Programme, multiple local radio platforms and TV documentaries. In 2014, he co-authored The Big Lie, which won the award of Marketing Book of the Year. In his time, he has been shortlisted for The Guardian short biography prize and the Macallan Fiction Award.
Believing, justifiably or mistakenly, that all this decades-long experience equips him to talk about ageing/aging in the 21st century, he blogs on the subject here at www.rinklifunstaz.com That Third Age, far from needing special pleas or bleeding hearts, requires the realism of practical measures, ones which can actually help those struggling with a weakened labour market presence or mild decrepitude or enfeebled support structures.